Application Notes providing a demonstration of NiMH battery charging by using the All-in-One Electronic Tester SLT3G1™ .
It provdes details about the test script and test results of a NiMH battery charging implementing up to 6 criteria for detecting the End of Charge state : V(EoC), fault Temp, dTemp/dt, measured capacity using the Fuel Gauge, stop at estiamted max charging time, detec reverse or flat dV/dt at EoC
Following the above schematic:
Required HW, FW, and SW tools
In this application note, we are charging a pair of 1.2V 2000mAh NiMH cells at a regulated current.
BAT+ is connected to VOUT1 and BAT- is connected to GAUGE1.
The charging current is adjusted with DPS output voltage increments/decrements until reaching the specified charging current (e.g. 600mA).
Finally, the charging process is automatically ended when the end of charge is detected.
Thanks to SLT3G1's powerful real-time operating system SLRTOS01, we only need to create two tasks to make this experiment:
Two methods of end of charge detection are presented below:
The scripts provided in this document are suited for FW version 0.9.6 and OS version 0.8.1.
These scripts are intended to be used with copy/paste directly in the script editor.
Feel free to contact us to get the SLRTOS code in .json format?
Advanced SLT3G1 scripting to Implement a Combination of EOC criteria
–EOC when when max Temp = 45°C
–EOC when pack Open Circuit Voltage = 3.0V (2 cells)
–Voltage Plateau or sligh negative Delta V at EOC
–dT/dt (>1°C/min)
–Fuel gauge / coulomb counter limitation by user set
–Charging Timeout condition as extra-security criterion
Implement a 0.3C constant current charging
The same algorithm of battery charging can be exploited to generate complex current source waveforms with SLT3G1, and develop advanced techniques for Metal Electroplating experiments
With only one instrument (SLT3G1):
Turn key solution by SL3J team for
App Notes: Training HW and SLT3G1
App Notes: SLT3G1 used for running Voltage Regulator characterization
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