Talented design team, ASIC and PMIC
Our design methodology enables IP high reuse rate and wide test coverage
PMIC IP portfolio covering desgin needs
Consult our latest mixed signal IPs: A high accuracy PFD in 22nm FDSOI
Silicon IC design
New IPs (Browse our latest IP developments)
22nm FDSOI Phase Frequency Detector
Our latest design of a 3-state Phase Frequency Detector shows state of the art phase-noise performance and a very high immunity to power supply noise.
This IP has been designed in both bulck 22nm CMOS and FDSOI 22nm nodes where it shows substantial improvement of phase noise.
Our PFD design exploits the extremely high speed propagation delays possible with 22nm FDSOI digital cells, knowing that we redesigned the D flip-flops in order to achieve 1 single gate propagation delay (27ps) and an extremely low phase noise.
High Side floating 1.8V Voltage Regulator
A floating 0-20V power domain high side 1.8V Voltage Regulator, specifically designed to power low consumption floating Analog IPs.
Deliveries available :
Silicon IPs & Design Services (browse our portfolio of IPs, ICs, & design tools)
ASIC integration / finishing
We possess a long track record as independent design center in the ASIC and PMIC design area.
We have developped a strong portfolio of IPs and design Tools since 2011 and performed 20+ ASIC/PMIC tapeouts:
This is possible thanks to our continuous training program offered to our engineers at all level of productivity.
Analog / Mixmode IPs
Analog / Mixmode IPs
Contact us for detailed portfolio
Unit Test PDK
Unit Test PDK
Fruit of 6 years of R&D, our PDK has been developped in SKILL++ / Ocean / VerilogA / Verilog / Perl / Bash to automate Analog & Mixed signal IP testing and characterization.
Our PDK enables a stronger ReUse strategy for much lower cost than many sophisticated GUI editors
A Corporate Level
Design Collaboration Server
SYNAV™ leads your company servers to handle your Product or IP Creation procedures, Specifications, and way beyond!
SYNAV™ is empowered by an abstract model to handle any type of Engineering Domain.
SYNAV™ is a light but powerful design collaboration server enabling live collaboration between design engineers during product development:
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